Ja, han liker sjakk, men å vera eit menneske er det viktigaste for han.
Teke frå Great Chess Upsets, av Samuel Reshevsky, Arco Publishing, New York 1976, s. 185.
Opphavleg tekst:
«Well, I believe that Keres failed in this respect because he lacked the killer instinct. He was too mild a person to give his all in order to defeat his opponents. He took everything, including his chess, philosophically. Keres is one of the nicest people that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. With his friendly and sincere smile, he makes friends easily. He is goodnatured and kind. Yes, he loves chess, but being a human being is his first consideration. In addition to chess, Keres is interested in tennis, Ping-Pong, swimming, and bridge.»
Opphav: Samuel ReshevskyKjelde:Great Chess Upsets (bok)
År: 1976
Kontekst: Stormeister Samuel Reshevsky skreiv rosande om Keres sitt talent og vennlege personlegdom, og forsøkte å forklare kvifor Keres aldri vart verdsmeister:
sjakk Paul Keres menneske prioriteringar |
«Ja, han liker sjakk, men å vera eit menneske er det viktigaste for han.»