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Nokre hadde ikkje høyrd om landet hans før, ingen hadde høyrd om Keres.

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«At the Warsaw team tournament in 1935, the most surprising discovery was a gangling, shy, 19-year-old Estonian. Some had never heard of his country before, nobody had ever heard of Keres. But his play at top board was a wonder to behold. Not merely because he performed creditably in his first serious encounters with the world's greatest; others have done that too. It was his originality, verve, and brilliance which astounded and delighted the chess world." – Stormeister Reuben Fine

Opphav: Reuben Fine
Kontekst: Stormeister Reuben Fine.
Paul Keres
«Nokre hadde ikkje høyrd om landet hans før, ingen hadde høyrd om Keres.»
«Nokre hadde ikkje høyrd om landet hans før, ingen hadde høyrd om Keres.»   Reuben Fine